Regional Training
2009 Training Conference Documentation
Upgrade Documentation
Signature Capture Information
Hand-held Information
UAG Meetings

Handheld Receiving


Create Bar Code Receiver


1.    Corp Order

a.    Menu path 34.20 Bar Coding Menu - Create Barcode Receiver from Corp Ship Date

b.    Enter Co#

c.    Enter Ship Date (with slashes).  This is the date that the distribution center shipped the product.

d.    Enter Y to exclude daily emergency orders.

e.    Back to the main bar coding menu

f.     To receive on a second handheld, go to menu path 34.21- Create 2nd copy of a receiver.  The system will ask for the receiver number to copy.

2.    Non-Corp Order

a.    Print a copy of the purchase order.

                                  i.    Check for rolldown POs

                                ii.    Note any part numbers that might have to be “learned”

b.    Go to next step


Receive Product on the Handheld


1.    Getting into menu path

a.    Power on the handheld

b.    Select Start

c.    Select Telnet CE

d.    Press the enter key (may need to be done twice)

e.    Choose option 3 - Receiving from the menu

f.     Enter CO#

2.    Corp Order

a.    Pick receiver # from the list (If using 2 handhelds, be sure you made a 2nd copy and that the handhelds are not using the same receiver #)

3.    Non-Corp Order

a.    Hit enter for new receiver number. (If there are receivers entered at the time.  Go to next step if there aren’t.)

b.    Enter the purchase orders starting with two digit store number and the 6-digit purchase order.

4.    If prompted “Serial #? “, enter “N” for no.

5.    Scan the Items

a.    Using any of the yellow buttons on the handheld to active the scanner, scan the item barcode

b.    Look at the screen and verify the item number.

c.    Scan every piece. With limited exceptions, enter the quantity of the item that is received.  Type in the quantity with a “.” in front of the number using the keypad at the bottom of the screen.  

                                  i.    Example:

1.    Scan product.

2.    Enter “.6” for quantity of 6.

d.    If the quantity scanned is over the purchase order quantity, a warning message will appear.  Enter “Y” to continue.

                                  i.    Re-count quantity received.

1.    If the quantity is correct, continue to the next product.

2.    If the quantity is incorrect, correct by subtracting the amount that was scanned in error.  Example: Scanned two extra.  Deduct by entering “.-2” Continue with the next product.

                                ii.    If we definitely received the part even if it isn’t on the PO, receive it in so that our counts are right.

1.    If it is on the packing list ask the Manager if he wants to keep the part or return it. Also notify appropriate staff person.

2.    If it isn’t on the packing list, ask the Manager if he wants to keep the part or return it. Also notify appropriate staff person

e.    After every scan, look down and make sure that the correct part and quantity have been entered.  (If an item is received in two different boxes, the cumulative amount received will show.)

f.     Cross Referencing Items

                                  i.    If the barcode scanned is not a valid item number or is not an item on the receiver (we didn’t order it) you will be prompted to make a bar code cross reference. Answer “Y” for yes

                                ii.    Try scanning another barcode label, typing in the item number and/or check to see if it is something we ordered.

g.    Label all products that don’t have a legible Johnstone Bar Code label.  After you scan your item and verify the quantity, you can enter an “L” and the next prompt should ask how many labels you want.

h.    Scanning tips:

                                  i.    Open all multi-packs

                                ii.    Circle or write the quantity on multi-packs

                               iii.    Separate showroom stock from warehouse stock

                               iv.    Separate customer orders from stock items.

6.    When finished scanning shipment, exit the program.

7.    Write down the corp. receiver number


Verify and Update the Receiver


1.    Corp

a.    If you used 2 handhelds to receive the order

                                  i.    Note both receiver numbers

                                ii.    Go to menu path 34.22 Combine 2 Corp. Receivers Together

                               iii.    The system will say “Enter Receiver # to Keep?”  Enter receiver number

                               iv.    Then the system will ask “Enter Receiver # to Combine?”  Enter the other receiver number.

b.    Go to menu path 34.25 - compare bar code receiver with Corp. Packing List

                                  i.    Enter the printer #

                                ii.    Enter the company #

                               iii.    Enter the ship date as mm/dd/yy

                               iv.    Enter the receiver number (not your code)

                                v.    **ONLY VARIANCES WILL PRINT**


2.    Non-Corp

a.    Go to menu path 34.2 select Purchase Order Rcpts. Report & Adj.

b.    Enter your company number

c.    Enter the line number for the receiver.

d.    Enter “P” to print receiving report

3.    Verify the variances that have printed off.

a.    Tips:

                                  i.    Verify quantity packs (Scanned 1 but box of 24)

                                ii.    Corp - Verify the item is not coming from a centralized distribution center.

1.    Enter the item in stock status.  The centralized notes will be blinking on the screen.

                               iii.    Verify control totals

b.    Advise appropriate staff person of any discrepancies. Fax them the discrepancy report so they can receive in separately, apply for credit and do a stock adjustment.

4.    To correct variances

a.    Use the Handhelds to correct (preferred method)

                                  i.    See Receive Product on the Handheld

b.    Go to menu path 34.2

                                  i.    select Purchase Order Rcpts. Report & Adj.

                                ii.    Enter your company number

                               iii.    Enter the line number for the receiver.

                               iv.    Enter “A” to adjust.

                                v.    Enter the PO number

                               vi.    Enter the line number of the product

                              vii.    Enter the correct quantity

                            viii.    Enter “Y” if it is the correct quantity

                               ix.    If the item was shorted enter “C” to cancel the backorder

5.    Verify adjustments

a.    Corp

                                  i.    Reprint the variance report to verify the adjustments (menu 34.25)

b.    Non-Corp

                                  i.    Reprint the receiving report to verify the adjustments (menu 34.2)

6.    If the variance report is correct, go to menu path 34.2 select Purchase Order Rcpts. Report & Adj.

a.    Enter your company number

b.    Enter the line number for the receiver.

c.    Enter “Y***” to update stock.


Allocate backorders (7.22.10)


(For non-corp orders, call for Freight $)


Alert appropriate staff to any discrepancies (extra or shortage) or damaged items.


(updated 11/04/08)

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