BAR CODE RECEIVING PROCEDURES For printer friendly PDF version, click here
~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+ If you are receiving a Corp. PO, do this first.
This section only applies to stores who get their Corp. Invoices and Packing lists downloaded during day end.
34.20 Create Corp. Receiver From Ship Date Program to create corp. receiver based on ship date.
When you go into this program it will prompt you for two things: The Company # and the Ship Date The receiver will be created using this information
This is the best way to create your corp. receiver because it will include all PO's (even backorders) on your receiver. There will be no need to create a separate receiver for them.
34.1 Purchase Order Receiving Begin here whether you are starting a new receiver or continuing to receive against an existing receiver (Corp receivers created using the above procedure is considered an existing receiver.)
When you go into this program, if you do not have any open receivers in the system, it will ask you for your 8-digit PO#. Type in that number and press <enter>.
If you have other receivers open in the system (not yet updated) they will show on the screen first. You can either choose one of them, by selecting the line number that corresponds, or you can press <enter> to start a new receiver.
Once you are in your receiver, you may begin scanning your parts into stock. If you have a qty 1 of an item, just scan it once and move on. If you have multiple qtys of an item, you can either scan each item which will continue to add to the received qty, or you can scan it once and then enter the qty preceded by a period. For example: .3 This tells the system that you have a total qty of 3.
There are some situations that may occur while you are scanning in your parts: You may scan a bar code and it will say “Item not on file, do you wish to cross-reference Y/N?” Press Y to crossreference a new bar code to the correct part, then type in the part number that it should be and press <enter>. Now every time you scan that bar code it will come up with that part number. You may scan an item and get the error “Not on Purchase Order ‘N’ to continue.” Just press ‘N’ <enter> and continue scanning products in. If you want to add the item to the PO you can get out of the receiver and add it, but you won’t be able to receive it in until the next day.
Once you have scanned all of your parts press F1 to get out of the receiver. You will get the message “Receiver ###### has been updated” That just means that it has saved everything you have scanned in so-far. At this point you could go back into that receiver and receive more items if you needed to, but none of the items that you have scanned will show available in stock status yet.
This section only applies to stores who get their Corp. Invoices and Packing lists downloaded during day end. AND if you created your Corp receiver using menu 34.20
34.25 Compare Bar Code Rcvr with Corp Packing List Program to print discrepancies between your receiving and the packing list
Run this program before you update the receiver to print a list of discrepancies between what you have scanned in and what the packing list says they shipped. Menu 34.2 must still be run to update the receiver.
34.2 Purchase Order Receipts Report & Adjustments Program to print, edit and update receivers
Once you have finished receiving all of the parts that have come in on that order (even if there are backorders) this menu to Print, Edit and Update qty on hand.
First, select the receiver number that you want to update.
Then you will be given the following 4 options: ‘P’ Print Receiver Y*** Update Receiver ‘A’ Adjust Quantities and ‘C’ Cancel Receiver. Below is a description of each of these options and when to run them.
“P” Print Receiver – ALWAYS print this before you Y*** to update!!!! This will print a report of what was on the PO versus what you scanned to receive and show you any discrepancies. You need to resolve any discrepancies before you update.
Y*** Update Receiver – This will post everything you just received to your stock status and inquiry screens. Once this is run you can not go back and make any changes to the receiver (You will still be able to receive any back ordered items on the PO when they come in; however they will be on a different receiver.) Only run this if you are absolutely sure that you have received everything correctly.
‘A’ Adjust Quantities – This option allows you to go in and correct the quantity received for an item. For example, if you accidentally scanned it twice but there was only one on the PO. (Cannot be run after you Y*** to update)
‘C’ Cancel Receiver – Use this if you have completely messed up the receiver and you want to start over. (Cannot be run after you Y*** to update)
To print a receiver after you Y*** to update, use menu 34.10.
This section only applies to stores who get their Corp. Invoices and Packing lists downloaded during day end. AND if you created your Corp receiver using menu 34.20
34.21 Create a 2nd Copy of a Receiver Program to split Corp. receiver into two receivers
Another option you have when receiving Corp. is to create a second receiver. This allows you to have two terminals receiving Corp. in at the same time.
Run this menu immediately after creating your receiver in 34.20.
34.22 Combine 2 Corp Receivers together Program to combine split receivers back together
Use this program to combine the receivers that were split in menu 34.21 back together before running menu 34.25 to compare to packing list and before updating the receiver in menu 34.2.
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updated 1/4/07 |